If you’re thinking about getting a new roof, there’s probably a lot you never thought to think about!
The most important question on this list is:
How can I find a trustworthy roofing contractor?
It’s crucial to choose a knowledgeable and honest roofing contractor because they will have a direct impact on the final product..
With our extensive experience of working with 1,000 roofing customers throughout Indiana as well as helping hundreds more via the internet, we at Myers Roofing & Exteriors have put together a checklist to help you vet potential roofing contractors.
This checklist will help you identify key qualities to look for when choosing a roofing contractor, whether you’re looking for an asphalt shingle roof, metal roof or a designer shingle roof.
Let’s get started!
How to Hire a Roofing Contractor: the Ultimate Checklist
Contractor Name: ___________________________________________________________
1. Business Information and Experience
__ The company is licensed and insured
Note: Check to see if the license name matches the company name. If not, ask why.
__ Find out how many years the company has been in business
Years in business: __________
__ Bonus: Is the
Note: SBA (Small Business Administration) reports 80% of roofing contractors fail within the first two years.
2. Customer References
Ask the following questions of the roofing contractor:
- How many roofs have you installed since in business? __________
- How many were installed last year? _________
- Of those installations, how many references can you provide? ________
Note: We’ve found that most people are usually willing to go on a reference list when asked. In our opinion, though, if you provide less than half of your customers as references, you’re chances of being content with the results, in the end, drop significantly below 50%.
__ Call at least 5 references
When Calling References, Be Sure To Ask The Following:
- If you could do it over, would you use the roofing contractor again?
- What did you enjoy about the experience?
- What was least enjoyable?
- What roof, options, and accessories did you choose?
- What would you do differently?
- How did the roofing contractor handle challenges and problems when they arose?
For more guidance regarding obtaining and calling references, read How to Avoid Being Scammed by a Roofing Contractor.
3. Reviews and Ratings
__ Collectively, the roofing contractor has at least a 5:1 good review to bad review ratio
__ They responded reasonably to negative reviews when possible
4. Products Used By Roofing Contractor
__ The products the roofing contractor uses have good reviews in the marketplace
__ The customer references you called gave the products used by the roofing contractor positive ratings
__ The products are backed by competitive warranties
5. Workmanship Warranty
Note: a workmanship warranty would cover issues that could arise such as roof leaks, mechanical damage, flashing installed incorrectly, improper nailing, etc. The minimum workmanship warranty by law in most states is one year.
- What is the duration of the roofing contractor’s workmanship warranty? _______________________________________________________________________
- What specifically does the roofing contractor’s workmanship warranty cover? _______________________________________________________________________
- What happens in the event that a repair is needed? (who pays to replace shingles, repairs, damage to property, etc)? _________________________________________________________________________
Read More: What Is Covered Under a Roofing Contractor’s Workmanship Warranty?
6. Installation Practices
- Does the roofing contractor have any installation or construction practices that distinguish them from the competition? ________________________________________________________________________
- Are these practices relevant? ________________________________________________________________________
Our top-of-the-line installation process provides you with the best in terms of quality and value. (Link will be Permalink – Best-Roofing-Contractor-Installer)
7. Design and Project Planning
__ The Roofing Contractor will present a plan to you before the project begins showing the following:
- exact project timeline
- What to Expect Document that includes prep to completion of the project
- the difference in materials versus standard shingles
- your home ventilation report of how your roof should actually be ventilated
- all the corrections being made to your ventilation
- driveway clear for installation
- landscaping protection if needed
- home protection if needed
A more detailed explanation can be found by checking out New Roof Kickoff Meeting: How to Launch a Successful Project. (Link will be Permalink – New-Roof-Kickoff-Meeting)
8. Pricing and Contract
__ In order to avoid discrepancies, the price for all work is always included in the contract or as a formal quote.
Note: Beware of contractors who try to blindside you with additional pricing after the project has begun. Some roofers use this tactic to make their initial quote seem lower than it will actually be, so always get a clear understanding of what is included in the agreement before signing anything.
__ Expected finish date is noted in the contract.
__ All items included in the deal are listed on the contract.
To learn more, check out these articles:
- 5 Tips For Receiving the Best Estimate on Your Roof Replacement
- How Much Does a New Roof Cost? (Link to New Roof Cost & Pricing Guide)
9. Things That Are NOT All That Important
- The size of the company: excellent roofing contractors come in all sizes
- In-house construction vs sub-contracted work: In the end, only the best roofing contractors will do whatever it takes to make sure you’re satisfied.
- Website and Marketing: A company’s Facebook page or brochure may look nice, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re honest or experts in their field.
We hope you will find this helpful in your quest to find the most excellent roofing contractor.
If you’d like to see a variety of design examples, take a look at our Shingle Styles & Colors page.